Soul Sunday

Isaiah 26:3,4 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever,  for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.

Lets say when you feel balanced in life your on the imaginary line that moves towards your goals, like the commercial from Fidelity Investments.
green line
As we move along in life we have to dodge obstacles and make minor adjustments throwing us from the green line, but with high spirits we jump back on fairly quickly. But in some cases the constant battle to stay in a straight line and the constant detours weaken our faith and determination.
Realize this, put faith in him and he will be your rock, he will guide you when your lost, he will make everything in your life have a purpose, and he will give you purpose. We may lose direction, but with God you will find your way back to that green line and he will guide you through life if you put your faith in him. Live for a purpose, live for meaning, live for HIM!

Read and Learn-Diversify

booksWhy Read?

I never grew up reading book after book, just the book assigned to me in class and that normally was a struggle. I found early on outdoors and sports were my hobbies and interests not books. I had to learn the hard way on why its important to educate and read.

Looking back at many of the activities I was involved in ,like sports and music, I was good at it but I never fully invested myself and lot of the reason was the lack of knowledge I had on the subject. I never gave myself the resources to master my craft or hobbies, usually leading to a situation where I fell short of my goals.

Why not give yourself the full arsenal of tools and information on what your attempting to do in life? Being diverse as a person is a positive because I believe this life is CONSTANTLY VARIED, if your a  CrossFitter you know what that means! Be prepared for the un-known, be knowledgeable on as much as possible. A lot of the time one subject will tie into another and become easy to learn multiple subjects of information.

Why is this important, well its hard to say until it comes up and has to be put to use, right? Its better to have it and not need it than it is to need it and not have it. This rings true to really any information there is out there to learn, from fitness, religion, life, death, science, fiction and nonfiction, diet, cooking, production, and so much more.

The great thing is its out there, we just have to pick it up and read it. Never stop adding to your library of information no matter what your age or your education level is, take it in and diversify.

Try to invest yourself in what your goals are and read on that subject matter, whether it be an argument for or against. Find out what others have to say, but really just give your self the chance to succeed and equip yourself with knowledge for this CONSTANTLY VARIED world we live in.

Sunday Soul

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13cross2

Have faith, trust in the lord, and believe in yourself. Whatever it is you pursue, pursue with conviction, pursue with an established purpose bigger than yourself. Growing as a person you gain new tools to use in life, do not waste these tools. With God and these tools you can do anything when you believe.

What to eat?

I am on the run a lot and don’t have the time I would like to, to cook.(Not very good at it anyway) So I have figured out how to stay close to the paleo diet while on the go and enjoy it! Here are a couple local spots I like to stop by:

1. Chipolte Menu Link– They specialize in burritos but instead of the tortilla get the salad bowl. I then get double meat, extra vegetables, pico-de gallo, and maybe some guacamole. Perfect clean eating meal. Now to change it up sometimes I add a minimal amount of maybe rice, black beans, or corn none of which is Paleo. Avg. Cost about $8-$11

2. Free Birds FreeBirds Link– Very similar to Chipolte but I think they have a couple more options. Again instead of the burritos I get the “Freedom Salad” no rice, no beans, no cheese, double meat, lots of roasted veggies, a salsa, some onions, and maybe some lime juice on top. Avg. cost about $9-$12

3. Yummy Yummy menu link or Genghis Grill nutritional link– These two places are paleo heaven, build a bowl with a variety of meat and vegetables and then season it how you want and they cook it all together for you. Yummy Yummy is a little bit cheaper ($7.95 compared to about $9) but the bowl seems a bit smaller, all in all great places check out the links.

4. Panda Express Meal Builder link– Another great place! Meats, vegetables, and also good flavored un-sweetened teas. You can order two different meats and instead of a starch fresh vegetables. Average cost about $8-10.

5. Van Thongs menu link– This is a local place here in Conroe but may be my favorite. Great little small establishment and if you would like to check it out and eat healthy go there and tell them the guys from the gym (CrossFit Conroe) sent you for the bowl, trust me its great! Average cost $9-$11

These are just a few healthy hot spots I visit on the regular for healthy eating on the go. Its very important that we have options that we like when trying to reach our fitness goals so try these spots and let me know what you think.

Soul Sunday

Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men;

workWith a larger purpose in life we add substance to life, to find that purpose we must find the father of everything and live for him. Don’t better yourself for me or your friends, better yourself to better oblige him. Three tools; Mind, Body, Soul and with these tools sharpened you will be ready for the day he calls upon you to serve his purpose. Stay educating, stay healthy, and create a relationship with God and you will find exuberance, direction, and glory. MBS


CrossFit Conroe hosted the filming of the “Harlem Shake”. Went very well, had lots of fun, and brought the box closer. The biggest difference that I notice from a regular gym and a box(CrossFit Box) is the people and the sense of community. It is matched at no other gym and is a huge part of what drives people to make themselves better.

80% is greater than 20% right?

I had a really good week as far as eating goes, a couple of meals with some starches but not very much. I can tell you it seemed to be that my performances were enhanced just because of what I ate and what I put in my body.

Some of us workout just to eat what we want, WRONG! In almost every way I can think of, by doing this you will NOT stay the same but yet digress. The more you become active the more your body requests that you consume, the good stuff.

Whats the good stuff? Vegetables, greens, meats, nuts and seeds and some fruits. The bad? Grains and sugar primarily; that’s your breads, rice, beans, and processed plastic they call food. I watched a video the other day and they said eating food that doesn’t have a label, you know the label that tells you what is in it, is what to look for. When you buy fruits and vegetables how do you buy it?, sitting in natural form and you then have to bag it. You buy a frozen pizza, processed, it will list of the ingredients, most of which are not even common in a pizza if you were to make it yourself. AVOID! Even look at these so-called health pre-made plates they have in the frozen section, most have additives for taste that are extremely unhealthy.

So don’t work out to eat unhealthy you will surely crash at some point. Your body will cry out for good carbs for energy and protein to continue its pace. If not received, almost like an alarm system it will then begin to shut down to prevent you from progressing and prevent you from improving. Because your body wont be receiving the right amount of good carbs, healthy fats, and proteins, it will then begin to store fat to compensate for later use and poof we have love handles.

80% of health and fitness is your diet, that means the time in the gym you spend sweating and becoming sore from the kick ass workouts your completing is 20%. 20% does not equate to overall health and fitness it equals, drum roll……………….. 20% percent of health and fitness! And I’m not even good at math and got that one.

Check this video out for more info on the paleo diet, that means by watching this video your taking steps to 80% percent of your health and you haven’t even lifted your body weight out of your chair. Crazy right?


resetToday I’m feeling a bit under the weather and realized today is a good day for a reset. A day to slow down clean the slate and refocus. Prioritize my goals and set plans to reach these goals. Step away from the grind and breath in life. Most importantly rest my body and my mind. We put are self through so much physical and mental stress on a daily basis we need to slow down and reset from time to time. That doesn’t mean that were not constructive, it just means we have stepped out of the regular routine to do a self check or an audit of how we have been performing.

There have been many times that I have let myself down and fell short of goals, and allowed it to get to me and effected other goals. For instance you start your day off working and stop on the run to get something to eat and fall into the trap of fast food. It doesn’t stop there your next meal you tell yourself well I ate bad already whats another burger or fries gonna hurt? In this case we have to face each situation on their own accord, not allowing a previous failure to  affect the decision of a future decision.

We all make mistakes and maybe they have built up over time, take a reset. So what you slept in, or you ate poor. What is done is done and every minute that goes by that you allow those decisions to effect you, you lose time that can make you better. It does not matter what you did it matters what you are gonna do.

Who cares that you missed a payment, or you had a drink, and you didn’t call, yes these things maybe shouldn’t of happened but we cant dwell over the fact that they did, don’t do it again move forward. Remember to reset, amend, and redefine yourself as a person when times seem to be out of control.

Soul Sunday

crossMatthew 19:26 – But Jesus beheld [them], and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

We face issues everyday and those issues seem to be tasks that when done alone cannot be completed. Well to realize there is something bigger than our-self and understand were not alone, these tasks become routine. Whether it be our friends, family, or God we can do anything.

Workout Poll

Remember your body is your instrument to go through life in the physical sense. I strongly promote crossfit and the results that are produced from crossfit. Ask yourself how do you feel right now and then add-on 20 years. How do you picture yourself and what are you capable of accomplishing physically? To have the capacity to be active and feel good you must be ACTIVE! Basically, you don’t use it you lose it! If you have a bum shoulder, you don’t just stop using it to make it better just like if you have no money, you don’t just stop trying to get money. A lot of the time, priority is what is in between us and success. A flashy cell phone that comes with a bill or a gym membership that comes with better health?